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Monday, April 16, 2012

Fidelity Bank Plc Nigeria: Lemana James and Barrister Sam Ade

 From: "Mrs. Lemana James" <lemana@optusnet.com.au>
To: <undisclosed-recipients:>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:42 PM
Subject: Call Him Immediately

Dear Friend,

I am Mrs. Lemana James, I am a Australia citizen, I am one of those that has a claim in Nigeria sometimes ago and for some reason could not get my money, I did all I could but all to no avail so I decided to travel down to Nigeria with all my credentials and I was directed to meet Barrister Sam Ade who is a member of the Payment & Remittance Committee in Nigeria. I was with him and he explained everything to me and he said that those contacting us are liars.

He guide me through the necessary process and to the paying bank, which is Fidelity Bank Plc Nigeria and I am the happiest woman on this earth because I have received my claims money of $800,000 USD and he likewise show me the full information of those that have not received their payment where I got your information and decided to alert you so you can contact him direct with the information below:

Name: Barrister Sam Ade
Office Address: 3, Festus Avenue, Ikeja Lagos Nigeria
Email: barristersam@micro.lt
Tel: +234-708-827-8955

Make sure you call him through the number above immediately and also send him an email so he can help you in processing your claim of $800,000 USD and I want to advice you to stop your dealings with those contacting you because they will dry you up until you have nothing to left with you.

Wishing you all the best and God Be Bless.
Mrs. Lemana James.


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